Our guy Ellis headed down to the very popular Krispy Kreme Cruise Surrey, held on the 3rd Sunday of the Month from 10am at the New Malden Krispy Kreme.

Here is what he had to say….
I was really surprised by how many people that had shown up, there was a lot of the classic American muscle cars and a bunch of cars the South London Retro Power Crew came down in there classic fords, there were Cortina’s, Anglia’s, Escort’s, Cosworth’s, 100e’s and tonnes more..

I took pictures of everything that came down trying to get the perfect shot through all the people gathering around the cars that most of them grew up with.
It was really cold and very foggy which made the photos turn out great giving them a proper moody look, making the cars really stand out.

Here are some of my favourites.
Photos by @eb.shots on Instagram