Gravity was the first major indoors show I have attended this year, with FittedUK being next on the list. The quality of cars there between the VIP and indoor show and shine halls, as well as the outdoor show and shine, was outstanding, with a mix of 600+ modified retro VAG, JDM, drift and race cars it was one of the most diverse yet friendly shows to date. That wasn’t the extent of it, across the show they had trade stands with names such as Auto Finesse (who also sponsored the event), FittedUK, Broke Boys and many more making an appearance to support the show. Through the day they had a live DJ playing music through the VIP hall right up until the awards, where they then proceeded to hand out Gravity plaques for best wheels, fitment, paint, etc. Overall the show was a huge success, with over 1.8k people attending.
Highlights from the VIP Hall.

Winner of the ‘Best Fitment’, blue BMW Z3 on stepped up BBS RS. Instagram: @droppokesmokedope

Winner of the ‘Best Paint’, Richard Lines’ Seat Leon in Porsche Pearl White with custom flake. Instagram: @richard_lines91

Although taking home no trophies at Gravity, this Skoda Fabia took home the ‘Best Wheels’ award at Broke Boys at the Farm last month. Instagram: @braderz_in_the_faberz

It wasn’t just expensive, high end cars in the show either…

The time and effort put into any build was appreciated.

Amar’s open air VW Polo 6n2. Instagram: @amarrrrr

Instagram: @polo83lambert

Danny Stuart’s MK5 Ford Fiesta, August 2017 Fast Car Mag Cover Car. Instagram: @dannystuart

Beinn Goodchild’s static Polo Coupe. Instagram: @beinndg

Winners of the ‘Best Trade Stand’, Auto Finesse, sporting a variety of clean MK2 Golfs. Instagram: @autofinesse
Highlights from the Main Hall.

Instagram: @jxmeo_lowkulture

Instagram: @mk1_shan

Instagram: @bagged_a5

Instagram: @mx5zoe94

Dan Handley’s Toyota Corolla AE86. Instagram: @handlez_brokeboys

Instagram: @a4lexx

Ashley Gratton’s MK1 Golf, winning best Retro Car in the main hall. Instagram: @ashley.gratton
Highlights from the Outdoor Show & Shine.

Luke Bett’s peppermint green MK3 Golf. Instagram: @m0pheademo

Instagram: @mk1_jack

Instagram: @mk2_rich

Instagram: @that_mk1_caddy
Write up and photos by Amy Palmer Photgraphy
Instagram: @AmyPalmer_Photography